Dear students,
Many of you just had a total freak out. You've maintained AWESOME grades up until now and this new format and new environment really threw you for a loop! A lot of you did really well. And a few of you are really stressed by the results of what happened.
Before I go on, I'd like to tell you a story. When I was in high school, I had the hardest AP Biology teacher in the school, Rita Moore. She was really nice and really kind and really smart and REALLY tough. I thought I was a good student. And I took good notes. But I failed that quiz. And not a cute fail like a 60 where there's a chance for recovery. I failed it with a big old solid 10/100. I was so defeated. I wanted to quit.
So, here is what I would've said to me, and what I'd like to say to you...
Go easy on yourself. It's one quiz is a dizzying sea of many. There are so many chances in life to be evaluated and graded and judged. Go easy on yourself. The adage that we are our own worst critic is soooo true. Allow yourself the room and the opportunity to fail so that you can grow!
Learn from this. There are so many different lessons to learn. Did you pace yourself? Did you read carefully? Did you study in a way that was effective
for you? Did you give the material the time that it needed? Were you hydrated, fed, nervous, etc?
Find something you did RIGHT! After any challenge that stresses you out, look for what you have done right. Write it down. Own it! That is a sign that you have learned and grown. If you need, make yourself cards and put them in your room or locker to remind you of all the things you have done well. These will be the bouys you need to help you get from one challenge to the next.
Allow yourself the chance to ask questions. Sometimes when we think all hope is lost, if we ask questions and work with it, things get better. Maybe you need to ask questions of your teacher, maybe you need to ask questions of yourself.
As a side note, please remember we have many more grades to go. This is not the end! We are just getting started!!
And, I AM PROUD OF YOU!! Be proud of you too! High School is hard. And it's supposed to be. You'll be a whole new person in 4 years! Just wait!