Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Are you new to me?

If you're reading this, it's possible that you (or your student) will be in my class for the 2019-2020 school year!


If you're here to try and find a supply or get the lay of the land... Here's what's up...

You need a 3 subject spiral notebook WITH pockets. That's it.

But, my classroom needs lots of things for us all to use. IF you are so inclined, I'd love if you would look at the Amazon List and see if there's something you'd like to order to help us all out!

If you are here because you're a friend, or looking for a way to help... YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!!

This is the link to the Amazon Teacher Wish List. There is NO OBLIGATION to help, but it is ALWAYS appreciated!!!

Thanks!! And See you SOON!!!

Mrs. Kannady