Monday, November 18, 2013

This week in biology


Review of all vocabulary words for test Wednesday

Elements: O, H, N, S, C, Na, Mg, K, Fe, Cl, and P

Vocab: Element, Atom, Compound, Molecule, Chemical Reaction, Reactant, Product, Activation Energy, Catalyst, Enzyme, Homogenous Mixture, Heterogenous Mixture, Solution, Solvent, Solute

A review is posted on Quizlet. I can be found by searching for "Mrs_Kclass"

Water bottle and kool-aid to-go packets needed for today's lab
Review information for tomorrow's test

Test over elements and vocabulary

Begin Macromolecules

Continue Macromolecules

Friday, November 8, 2013


Several of you have already joined our class' remind101, if you have not, now is the time!!!

The phone number it is run through is (769) 230-9171

Your class is listed below with the messaging code. In order to achieve the 100% for each class, parents may sign up for their student.

First Period: @mrskannady

Second Period: @5a438

Third Period: @b6c6c

Fifth Period: @95326

Seventh Period: @153d4

If you are interested in joining or participating in Youth In Government, the remind101 code for YIG is @41498  

Remember, the first class to reach 100% participation will receive an extra 5 points!!!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


All classes!
This a reminder since Thursday was so confusing...

1. Tonite for homework, please finish Your foldable using your book. You need the definitions of each Taxon on your foldable. 

2. Complete and turn in the Assessment for Chapter 17 section 1, AFTER you read the section. 

3. The plan for the next few school days:
Friday: Candy lab
Monday: NO SCHOOL 
Tuesday: review Chapter 17
Wednesday: chapter 17 test

4. Over the break, please email me with questions, check the blog and talk to each other!

5. Your study guide, homework, foldable and candy lab all count for a grade; please be sure to turn them in!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

This week in Biology

Were finishing genetic diversity in chapter 15, section 3. You should READ the whole section and complete the section assessment questions. We'll move to chapter 17, discuss classification and do a candy lab about classification this week. Please email, text or ask in class if you have questions!