Class Policies

1. Attendance.
Attendance is mandatory. Questions about what is and is not excused according to Shelby County Schools' Policy can be found here.

2. Behavior
All students are expected to demonstrate respect for self, others and the environment.

3. Conduct Grades.
I do not believe that high school students need to have conduct grades recorded. They are not part of the official transcript and generally only serve as a way to punish those with fidgeting problems. However, if there is a conduct issue, I will address it with the student and, if necessary, contact parents, as needed. Do not be alarmed by the lack of a conduct grade.

4. Work Assignments:
A. Homework:
Homework is to be done at home. NO HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED LATE. If after the conclusion of a quarter, you have above a 90 raw score, you can elect to "OPT OUT" of homework for the next quarter. This will mean that you will be exempt and cannot "opt in" again until the next quarter. If you do not make a 90 raw score, but are between 85-90 raw, you may discuss with Mrs. Kannady opting out. If you are below an 85 raw, you may not opt out for the next quarter. If you are absent, the make up policy from SCS will be followed, generally this is 1 day per day missed. Please write "Absent on ___________" at the top so that I will not think it is late.

B. Labs:
Labs are not always messy. Some are "math" labs or "notebook" labs that are an exercise, but not necessarily an "experiment". All of the labs are expected to be taken seriously. Materials are to be treated respectfully and put away upon the completion of the lab class. If you are absent on a full lab day? You will most likely be marked "exempt" from the lab and it will neither count for nor against you. If it was a notebook lab that can be done alone, you will be given time to make it up.

C. Tests:
Tests are given approximately, every 20 days. They are individual tests, unless otherwise instructed. This means that all students are expected to complete their own test, without help or assistance from anyone or anything. Any students who are found to be sharing information during a test are considered to be cheating. Cheating will be handled on a case by case basis. Tests with a raw score below an 85 may be retaken to improve the score and earn back, at most, half of the points lost.

D. Quizzes:
Quizzes can be announced or unannounced. They are at the discretion of the instructor. They are weighted in the same category as tests. Quizzes may not be retaken to increase the grade.

E. Projects:
Projects will be group or individual. If they are a group assignment, the expectation is that all group members will participate. Presentations are rubric graded by other students. Groups will evaluate and distribute grades to group members collaboratively based on how members do/do not participate in the work.

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